Sunday 12 June 2011


This project was a learning experience. I think the main things I learnt were not to choose reference images with too much pattern detail if I wasn't going to draw the patterns, and to avoid drawing fine details from a poor quality reference.

As usual I started with the easy grid method. I also combined two images to complete the top of the upper figures head and legs.

Following the first stage I wasn't sure about some of the line work so I started with the face as I expected it to be the most difficult and telling if it was going badly.

The first face seemed to go well, so I added the hair to frame the face.

Then I added the end of the top models legs and her top. With the top I dropped all the pattern details as they did not allow for much tonal variation. I think as a result the tone of the top came out a bit light for the image.

Then carrying on with the detail I added the gloves, shorts and fingers. This was a dense area of detail and by the end I was again not sure that too much detail had been lost from the reference.

Then to finish the top model, the rest of the skin tones were added.

The foreground figure was added starting from the edges where the two figures overlapped. The dark glove in the foreground needed some adjustment to as not to become a continuation of the line of the first figures leg.

 Some of the dark tones were enhanced with the Prismacolor non-erasable black pencil, which was a good thing to learn, and also I darkened the tones overall.

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