Monday 20 June 2011


Poker stakes...

A fun image with large tone areas.

As usual I started this image with the easy grid method.

As the hair was a prominent part of this image, I started to render it from background to front to keep the movement in the hair till last. Also I was treating the male figure mainly as background and a tone reference.

Finishing the first pass of the male figure and trying to get a good tone contract for the facial skin tones and lips.

As usual with the main part of the image I tried to pick out the darker tones so they would not get lost when building up the rest of the image.

First pass of the facial tones, again concentrating on the darker areas.

Added the lips which are a key part of this image, and the start of the hair.

The rest of the hair was added to get the movement and detail, but with a light tone.

Made another pass of the whole image, concentrating on the darker planes and shaded areas, and providing contrast for the reflected light on the models skin.

Finally adding darker tone again to selected areas, such as eye lashes and shadowed hair.

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