Monday 16 May 2011

Desk Job

Working late again...

This was a simple image but enjoyable to draw. With col-erase on Bristol board.

As normal I started with the easy grid method.

As most of the detail is in the face and the pulled skin was difficult to draw I started there.

To frame the body and to work on some of the darker edge tones I added the top arm with the binding. This top arm also had some of the lightest spots.

The rest of the upper body formed a natural group, shaped by large areas of tone.

Next I added the hair to frame the face and the large tonal area of the foreground leg. These two stages were added when I was unable to make individual scans.

The second leg and finger tips then helped to frame the figure, though at this stage the tone was still a bit light.

The figure was finished with the tool and the desktop was added. Pencil shading for the desk was kept in line with the wood grain and the shape was built up with lengths of tone.

Working over the whole image and concentrating on the desk, darker tones were added.

Finally some light tone was added below the desk. I was planning on making the background dark, but as the figure is light I didn't want to push it into the background.

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