Friday 29 April 2011


She's hooked.

This was another col-erase on on Bristol board project, this time with plenty of loose cross hatching. This turned out to be quite a difficult project.

As before I started this using the easy grid method.

I then started to add the background. This was in order to outline the figure as the centre of the image would be light with mid tones I wanted to make sure I didn't need to add dark lines later.

As the main figure has light hair I put that in next. Here I was aiming to draw the space between the hairs and keep it light where it wasn't in shade.

I then added the top hand as it had some dark contrast tones and helped to provide a boundary for the hair.

Then to balance the first hand and to add a context for the chain I started adding tone to the second hand.

Once the second hand was in place I added the black strap, again to provide contrast. I have also darkened some more of the background.

Then to complete the first pass of the hands I added tone to the chain. I preserved a lot of white here which was covered later.

The hook sets the centre focus of this image. I moved on to the hook, keeping light areas for the highlights.

Once the hook was in place I added the mid tones to the legs and shadow areas on the bed.

Then to finish I passed over the whole image a number of times deepening the darker tones and defining the boundaries more without using hard lines.

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