Sunday 27 March 2011

Coffee Table

Just casual on the Coffee Table...

This project was done with Col-erase on Bristol board.

As before I started with the easy grid method.

I chose to start with the figure with this one, though later I thought it may have been better to start with the background. Again working left to right to avoid leaning on the picture.

Working up the body I decided to mark the ropes with a strong tone round the edges to make them clear.

I then did each leg a a single large area as there was little tone variation.

The rope on the legs as defined the same as the rope on the upper body.

Working along the shaded area under the figure I added the rest of the hair, the arms and the tone on the lower ropes.

With the col-erase pencil adding the dark tone for the shoes took a lot of work, and the highlights were needed for the contrast.

Like the shoes, the pole took quite a bit of shading, but with less contrast as the end was a soft rubber with less highlights.

Adding the coffee table took some time and I needed to change the areas I was working on to give some variation of tone.

Finally the leather sofa was added with a soft background tone and more darker tones were added to the figure.

OK, after scanning, balancing and uploading the image I decided that the wide view grain on the table didn't look right. The angle doesn't look so extreme on paper but I decided I needed to change it still.

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